Sunday 9 July 2017

Serving God Where He Has Called Us to Serve | Ravi Zacharias

Serving God Where He Has Called Us to Serve | Ravi Zacharias
1. The Christian has been "Saved To Serve"... a. Called to serve God and the Lord Jesus Christ b. Called to serve his brethren and those in the world -- It is a noble calling, one that we should accept with humility and gratitude 2. If one chooses not to serve God... a. Then they remain a slave to sin - Ro 16:16a b. And the end of such slavery is eternal death - Ro 6:16b 3. But when one chooses to serve God... a. Their servitude leads to righteousness - Ro 16:16c b. And the end of such service is eternal life - Ro 6:22 May what the apostle Paul wrote of the brethren in Rome be true of all of us today... "But God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin, yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered. And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness." (Ro 6:17-18) Have you been set free from sin, that you might serve Jesus Christ? - WEB: - YOUTUBE:
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