Saturday 3 February 2018

Students Hate Trump's SOTU Quotes...Until Finding Out They're Actually Obama's

Students Hate Trump's SOTU Quotes...Until Finding Out They're Actually Obama's
Following President Trump's first SOTU, we asked students at John Jay College what they thought of some of his more controversial statements from the speech... What they didn't know, was that these quotes were actually given by President Obama during his own SOTU addresses. Watch to find out their reaction. Follow us on Twitter ► Like us on Facebook ► Campus Reform, a project of the Leadership Institute, is America's leading site for college news. As a watchdog to the nation's higher education system, Campus Reform exposes bias and abuse on the nation's college campuses. Our team of professional journalists works alongside student activists and student journalists to report on the conduct and misconduct of university administrators, faculty, and students. Campus Reform holds itself to rigorous journalism standards and strives to present each story with accuracy, objectivity, and public accountability.
via YouTube

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