Thursday, 17 January 2019

Passive Income Ideas πŸ’‘: 10 Ways I Make $1,000 Per Month

Passive Income Ideas πŸ’‘: 10 Ways I Make $1,000 Per Month
Is there anything better than making money while you sleep? πŸ›Œ It is possible. πŸ’°πŸ’° Today we are going to talk about 10 different ways that I make over $1,000 a month passively. ➡️ 1. Investments [3:15] - I earn dividends and interest monthly. ➡️ 2. Affiliates [4:21] - For me, this comes in from my blog and my YouTube channel. ➡️ 3. Display ads [5:47] - I use display ads on my blog. ➡️ 4. CPC Ads (cost per click) [7:18] - If someone clicks on a link on my blog, I get paid. ➡️ 5. Life Insurance Leads [9:07] -I started a site and I sell those leads. ➡️ 6. Course Sales [11:03] - I just launched the beta round of my second course. ➡️ 7. Digital Products [12:24] - This could be an eBook, Amazon publishing, or an email challenge. ➡️ 8. YouTube Ads [13:46] - If I stopped producing video content, my income from this source would decrease. ➡️ 9. Financial Planning Practice [15:37] - My practice is in another state. I have not stepped foot in that location in over 18 months. I still earn a healthy property from that business. ➡️ 10. Selling a business [18:07] - I sold my Financial planning practice! I will be earning a check every month for the next several years. When it comes to achieving significant passive income - you have to do the work first. πŸ’ͺ You have to get all your systems and processes in place and running smoothly. If you still don't think passive income is a will never start this journey! ✅ YouTube Paid Me HOW MUCH for a Viral Video with 1 Million+ Views??? 😱 🎦 ✅ My Niche Site Made $100,000 in 9 Months 😳(this isn't supposed to happen) 🎦 #passiveincome #hackyourwealth ▶︎▶︎▶︎ Get Started Today with the "Make $1K Blogging" Free Course here: ➡️➡️➡️ ★☆★ SUBSCRIBE TO JEFF''S YOUTUBE CHANNEL NOW ★☆★ ★☆★ WANT MORE FROM WEALTH HACKER™ LABS?★☆★ πŸ’°Wealth Hacker™ blog: πŸ’» Personal finance blog: Podcast: πŸŽ™ ★☆★Pick up Jeff's best selling book, Soldier of Finance, here: ★☆★ πŸ“— ★☆★ CONNECT WITH JEFF ON SOCIAL★☆★ ▸Twitter: ▸Instagram: ▸Facebook: ▸Linked In: Jeff's favorite T-shirt line, Compete Every Day: πŸ‘•
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