Monday 13 November 2017

The Real Reason for Marriage - Prof. Jordan Peterson

The Real Reason for Marriage - Prof. Jordan Peterson
Jordan Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist, author and psychology professor at the University of Toronto. In this excerpt of his lecture series “Maps of Meaning” he shares his insightful views on the reasons for marriage and makes a strong but not uncontroversial case against divorce. Head over to Dr. Peterson’s own YouTube channel for his full lectures: This clip is an excerpt of “2017 Maps of Meaning 6: Story and Metastory (Part 2)”: Did you know that Dr. Peterson also developed an online program that helps you to analyze your past, to get your present life in order and to identify a more rewarding path for your future? It’s called “Self Authoring” It’s not free, but it has been proven to work in studies performed with university students. Psyche Matters is an official affiliate of the program, so if you follow the link through, you will not only support Jordan Peterson and his endeavors but also this channel in a small way and most importantly yourself. Thank you.
via YouTube

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