Sunday 13 May 2018

The History of Galadriel- Lord of the Rings Lore

The History of Galadriel- Lord of the Rings Lore
The History of Galadriel, lady of the Galadhrim, from her birth and early life in Valinor, to her participation in the Rebellion and Flight to Middle Earth. We discuss her history here, the time she spent and the things she learnt with Queen Melian and much more! ================================================ ►Join us on Facebook! - ►Join us on Twitter! - ►Support us on Patreon! - ================================================ In this series, we explore the history of places in Middle-Earth, Characters or events that took place. The information is presented in an orderly easy to understand way so that it is friendly to people that are new to the Lord of the Rings Lore and Mythos. If I feature any of your artwork during this video, please drop a message or a comment and I can link your page in the description of my videos! Regarding the Wizards: “and none save maybe Elrond, Cirdan and Galadriel discovered of what kind they were and whence they came” – Unfinished Tales – page 502 “The Exiles were allowed to return- save for a few chief actors in the rebellion, of whom at the times of the lord of the rings only Galadriel remained. At the same time of her Lament in Lorien she believed this to be perennial, as long as the Earth endured. Hence she concludes her lament with a wish or prayer that Frodo may as a special grace be granted a purgatorial (but not penal) sojourn in Eressea, the solitary isle in sight of Aman, though for her the way is closed. Her prayer was granted- but also her personal ban was lifted, in reward for her services against Sauron, and above all for he rejection of the temptation to take the Ring when offered to her. So at the end we see her taking ship. Unfinished Tales page 295 “Her hair was held a marvel unmatched. It was golden like the hair of her father and of her foremother Indis, but richer and more radiant, for its gold was touched by some memory of the starlike silver of her mother; and the Eldar said that the light of the Two Trees, Laurelin and Telperion, had been sanred in her tresses. Many thought that this saying first gave to Faenor the thought of imprisoning and blending the light of the Trees that later took shape in his hands as the Silmarils. Unfinished Tales Page 296 “For Faenor beheld the hair of Galadriel with wonder and delight. He begged three times for a tress, but Galadriel would not give him even one hair. These two kinsfolk, the greatest of the Eldar of Valinor, were unfriends for ever” Unfinished Tales Page 296 “She had dreams of far lands and dominions that might be her own to order as she would without tutelage” Unfinished Tales Page 297 “and a reverence for the Valar that she could not forget” Unfinished Tales Page 297 “from her earliest years she had a marvellous gift of insight into the minds of others” Unfinished Tales Page 297 “and she withheld her goodwill from none save only Faenor” Unfinished Tales Page 297 ““once she had set foot upon that road of exile she would not relent, but rejected the last message of the Valar, and came under the Doom of Mandos.” Unfinished Tales Page 297 “Even after the merciless assault upon the Teleri and tha rape of their ships, though she fought fiercely against Faenor in defence of her mother’s kin, she did not turn back. Her pride was unwilling to return, a defeated spullpiant for pardon. But now she burned with desire to follow Faenor with her anger to whatever lands he might come, and to thwart him in all ways that she could.” Unfinished Tales Page 297 “it was not until too long ages more had passed, when at last all that she had desired in her youth came to her hand, the ring of power and the dominion of middle-earth of which she had dreamed, that her wisdom was full grown and she rejected it, and passing the last test departed from middle-earth forever” Unfinished Tales Page 298 “I never thought no such thing,” answered Sam, in no mood for jest. “If you want to know, I felt as if I hadn’t got nothing on, and I didn’t like it.” She seemed to be looking inside me and asking me about what I would do if she gave me the chance of flying back home to the Shire to a nice little hole with- with a bit of garden of my own” FOTR page 469 “And at times Melian and Galadriel would speak together of Valinor and the bliss of old” –Silmarillion page 145 “the power that dwelt there was too great for any to overcome, unless Sauron had came there himself “ – LOTR appendix tale of years “I never thought no such thing,” answered Sam, in no mood for jest. “If you want to know, I felt as if I hadn’t got nothing on, and I didn’t like it.” She seemed to be looking inside me and asking me about what I would do if she gave me the chance of flying back home to the Shire to a nice little hole with- with a bit of garden of my own"
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