Tuesday 2 October 2012

What the bible says about HARD WORK


Before you journey into the Land of HARD WORK, you need to understand RIGHT WORK. Only God's WORK is the RIGHT WORK and Jesus is Perfect by it.

To encourage yourself to work hard in the right work:
1. Love to Live
2. Life for the Truth (the truth is who you are to God)
3. Start in and live in the realm of simplicity and order.
4. Be patient - lay one brick as perfectly as you can at a time and say, "it is good."
5. ACHIEVE the God of Jesus.
6. Stand out. Represent an idea. Because you are unique.
7. Believe - FAKE IT to MAKE IT!

While working hard, I you PROMISE success if you have:
1. "Pass i on" or "Passion". it means that you continue to see the good and ignore the bad 'cos only truth exist eternally.
2. Work - display activities
3. Focus (on Jesus)
4. P.U.S.H - Pray (without stopping) Unti Something Happens
5. Have new, ideas and go through the "7 step encouragement cycle again"
6. Improve = Simplicity + Simplicity
7. Serve. People are like soil. You can plant in them.
8. If you aren't dead yet. PERSIST. It's either you die working for the truth or the lie dies - No Mercy - Only Justice (like batman lol) *_*

Work Hard as Christians and Non-Christians and the God that makes rain to fall on both the believers and non-believers will bless us both in Jesus' Name. Amen.
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1 comment:

  1. I really need to work at my radio skills and get to the point *sigh*
