Sunday 11 June 2017

Examining the Newest Historical Research on Islam and the Earliest Quranic Manuscripts - Jay Smith

Liked on YouTube:Examining the Newest Historical Research on Islam and the Earliest Quranic Manuscripts - Jay Smith
With so much of the world focused on ISIS these days, a group which uses and is absolutely dependent on the Qur'an and their prophet Muhammad for their authority, it is important to look at just how authoritative they both are historically. I will look at the newest data we have on Muhammad, as well as the Qur'anic manuscript evidence, including a look at the 6 earliest Manuscripts, and the new Qur'anic folios which are being dated using Carbon 14 dating (including the Birmingham folios highlighted by BBC in July 2015), which suggest that Qur'anic Suras are not only older than the Qur'an, but older than Muhammad and Islam as well! I will compare these with our Biblical material to show just how much more historical evidence we have for our Bible and Jesus Christ, than exists for their Qur'an and Muhammad. - See more at FOCLID 7244
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