Friday 16 June 2017


God said that HE has given us dominion over all. 

It's not about preaching a prosperity gospel. 

If you're going to consider "dominion" in spiritual warfare, then you have to consider dominion over your finances.

God has given us power to make "wealth". By wealth, don't just think about money. If you can obey God and use that which you have in your hand - that which HE has given to you, then overflow will come into your life. 

I believe that things will drop into your spirit that will empower you to make wealth in the name of Jesus.

If the power of God is not in your wealth, you could be working for many years and something, it could just be a news or situation that could just blow them away. You need the power of God to exercise over your finances and the purpose of God helping you is that that you too can be a blessing to others.

Some people don't want to serve God but they just want to take from HIM. The only place where the bible speaks of in rebuking the devourer, is related to finances. Imagine your car 🚗 breaking down when it's not meant to break down... you need to identify the devourer and call upon the restorer to help you. Every spiritual law/principle has an impact. If I'm not doing my part of that law/principle, then you don't expect that Ław/ principle to take effect. The law of Gravity is always in effect. I don't care what you do with it, the laws of gravity will always affect you to draw you towards an object in the universe. 

Power comes from God.


This is your insurance. Whatever you have, the devil has no right to take that away. Our confidence is that God is turning things around for our good.


The Lord can release an idea to you that will make you to become outstanding. People will look at you and say, "wow! That is a masterpiece!" Part of the problem is that a lot of people just want to work, they don't pray. Apart from people who sit down and thinking through business ideas without even getting God involved - those are wasters.

I feel like God actually called someone else to "head" Facebook. There are Christians in the kingdom who God is giving bright and great ideas. Could it be that God is calling people in the kingdom and they are too afraid, too relaxed, too doubtful to go through with it. I've seen it, sometimes I've seen things and known that "this has to be from God!" What are you a solution provider to? What have have you been called to be a solution provider to? You can ask the Lord to open your eyes to launch into places you have never thought about. 

We need to take action.


I want you to look at what you are doing now. You ascertain your situation right now and ask the Lord, "Daddy God, you said that you will bless the works of my hands" - put it on the table before God. You may have experienced delay, friction. Put it on the table before God. Whatever HE has put in your hands, it's supposed to be blessed. Blessings don't come with headaches like that. Jesus looking at the blind man; the man is blind and Jesus seeing that the man is blind, Jesus still asked him, "what do you want me to do for you?". I'm sure the blind man could have been thinking, "I'm blind, do I have to tell you that I'm blind before you see it?"


You should not be prune or comfortable with wasting. Maybe you're really good at wasting; you buy unnecessary things; you behave in ways that God sees that you cannot be trusted with certain things. If you do that, you can be sure that you are not in dominion, but that your things are ruling over you. You don't even need biblical understanding to know that, that is not wise. It is better for you to stay in your level and learn how to efficiently not-waste things and then God will bless you more. If you keep spending on top of all the other problems you have, how can you trust God with even better things. If you feel that you don't have wisdom to handle situations, the bible said that you need to ask. We create the mess. Sometimes we say, "I'm waiting on God" and God is saying, "I'm waiting in you." God could be saying, "I've been waiting for you to pay off for your Lamborghini because you saw your brother buy a Ferrari and now you're in debt, and those in debt are slaves to be lenders".


The degree to which you give freely can actually affect your receiving-end. I'll tell you, the first time, the Lord laid it on my heart to make a huge payment to a ministry, I obeyed. I knew it was good. Sometimes we get confused if we're hearing from God or not. God led me... God moved my body to make the deposit. I rationalised that I had the money. After that, God made a door open for me. So many blessings had settled in my life. If I had not complied, who knows if any door will be opened to me now. Some people will say, "I don't have anything to sow." I'm sorry, I'm not just talking about money, you can sow in so many different ways. You can sow in your intellect. Many people do not want to share what they know - privatisation. You can sow your abilities ... maybe you have experience being a mechanic 👩‍🔧 and you saw someone's car 🚗 broken down, you can sow into that person's life and fix their car. There are godly gateways all round the world. The spiritual law is just that obedience - obey! And see what God will do for you. Forget about people being disrespectful to your kindness, just be obedient to God. We cannot expect dominion and refuse to comply with dominion. "This is the ladder" you want to go up there... how can you go up there if you don't climb the ladder. You have to climb the ladder. This is just the law. As you move, God moves. God is saying that HE is watching over HIS word to perform and perfect it. God is watching over your obedience to the obedience of Christ... to the faith... to make sure that he continues to Grace and lift up your humble self. When you give towards something, you have to expect the harvest.

You need to tell God, "as I give to you, I open my gateway to receive the blessings that you will bring for me." You need to wait for the seed. When you give towards something, and you start complaining, you're digging up the seed. Let the seed grow. There are situations when I'm praying and things are not happening the way i want them to happen, but sometimes I have to thank God and catch myself from complaining and thank God that things are not even going as I planned them to go. 

Our conscience need to be purged. And that's why sometimes when we give, we give with the wrong motive. We can say how God is all-loving and Daddy God is not gonna love us all to the point where we are all spoilt. Some times, people may need your help, and you may wanting to buy something at the store and feel in your heart that all this is a test. You may be expecting someone else to pay for it, but as if you know, there are some things you may loose for the sake of getting the full harvest... now someone else may want to pay for you and checking all the list of things to pay for... you may not hear God audibly but you can hear God clearly all the same. God can tell you, "You have just received your reward!" By investing into people, you can turn your £3 into £6 and even more. 

You can give to people and not expect anything in return; even if they want to give something to you... this is between you and your God. When you go to the gas station with someone, you may pay for them ... and make sure you don't fully receive all your reward from disobeying God. Daddy-God sees the state of your heart.

Man cannot pay you, man cannot give you equal to your reward - only God can. Just scatter your seed. You can give to the needy around you. I happen to work in church - you never know when the test will come. And I give my time, intellect, smile ... and if God is commanding you from above to do all these things, you can be sure that Daddy-God is taking inventory of everything you give. 

The day I saw the scripture ... something times, you can have even your last to give ... but Daddy-God sees it all. The bible says that "they that sow in tears, shall reap in joy". Perhaps you have felt that you didn't see all that you are giving for. The bible says that they that sow in tears shall reap in joy. There are so many ways to give ... the ground has to be fertile. 

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