Saturday 17 June 2017

Islam Religion of Peace LMFAO Not so much.

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Why do Muslims hate us? It is a complex question that most Americans do not understand. One reason the subject is so difficult to comprehend is that we make the mistake of using Western reasoning to find solutions. In an article by Nicolai Sennels titled “Cultural psychology: How Islam managed to stay medieval for 1,400 years” the former psychologist who dealt with Muslim prisoners reveals some astonishingly simple answers. First, the question changes significantly by removing the word “us” to more accurately become “Why do they hate?” From there Sennels analyzes six basic factors which are not individually complicated, but taken in their entirety paint a clear picture of why it is virtually impossible to deal with a religion that refuses to evolve. Sennels starts with the premise, “The majority of Muslims prefer to live by values that can be traced all the way back to the desert tribes in which the founder of their religion lived. Getting to know life in Muslim families and societies is like traveling back in time to the time of Muhammad.” “Desert” and “tribes” are two important words to consider. Islam is first and foremost a product of a punishing environment of relentless sand and unforgiving sun. Combined with a tribal mentality that remains a major characteristic of the Arab world today and the result is like dropping a lighted match into a can of gasoline. Sennels simplifies Islam itself by pointing out, “One main factor is that while all other religions allow their followers to interpret their holy scriptures, Islam categorizes Muslims who do not take the Quran literally as apostates. According to Islamic law, the sharia, apostasy is to be punished with death. The sharia thus makes it impossible for Islamic societies ever to develop into modern, humanistic civilizations. “Together with massive inbreeding — 70 percent of Pakistanis, 45 percent of Arabs and at least 30 percent of Turks are from first cousin-marriages — this has resulted in the embarrassing fact that the Muslim world produces only one tenth of the world average when it comes to scientific research.” Inbreeding is a lesser known aspect of Arabic societies, but it is rampant throughout the region because it is part of the inherent mistrust that exists in a tribal desert culture. Westerners cannot relate to the threat of death that pervades many Muslim families. Children are often indoctrinated to recite the hate passages of the Koran long before they can read and write. Says Sennels, “A very real threat of violence and even death is over every Muslim child’s head, should he or she decide to choose another life style than that of its parents. Many of them are subjected to mind-numbing repetitions of Islam’s exceedingly violent scriptures, making many of them ticking time bombs wherever they live.” Regarding marriage, Sennels explains the slave-like atmosphere many Muslim women endure, which severely limits their ability to escape the religion or their family. “Muhammad’s teaching that Muslim females can only marry Muslim males — often within their own bloodline — further bolster the culture of his followers against outside influence.” More familiar to Westerners says Sennels is a “basic principle within Islam (of) hating and harming non-Muslims. The devaluation and demonizing of non-Muslims can be compared to the propaganda spread about the enemy by governments in wartime in order to remove their soldiers’ psychological hindrances that would otherwise keep them from attacking the opponent. Keeping a mental and physical distance to people from other cultures, Islam prevents its followers from being influenced and inspired by our less barbaric values.” One corollary to that concept is the ancient tribal mentality of the desert which also pits Muslim against Muslim if necessary. Ethnic pride is another factor which emboldens Islamic ideology. Muslims always believe they are victims, which therefore, justifies their intolerance. According to Sennels, “No matter how ridiculous or embarrassing it may seem to the outsider, most Muslims are proud of being Muslim and a follower of Islam. According to Islam they are destined to dominate the rest of us, and we are so bad that we deserve the eternal fire.” Finally, Sennels suggests that Muslims are reinforced by an evolving politically correct society where the Islamic world is not required to adapt or advance. “We in the West have a longstanding tradition of tolerance and openness, together with the multicultural agenda pushed by the Left, the Media, EU and UN. The cultural osmosis can therefore go only one way: Islam stays where it is, while it drags the West back into medieval darkness, with its limitation of free speech and pre-enlightenment-style acceptance of religious dogmas and sensitivities.” Nicolai Sennels’ ideas are not revolutionary or unheard of but, taken as a whole, they present a clear, concise explanation of why the problems with Islam are global, infinite and confounding.
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