Monday, 11 September 2017

Hey Antifa. Have you ever heard this story? Listen CLOSE!

Hey Antifa. Have you ever heard this story? Listen CLOSE!
Alpha Male: We all know life wouldn't exist without these type men. The beta male: (The staple of Antifa) Read explanation below. Require Hand Holding Betas are afraid to take the lead and take control of a situation. They aren't strong enough to be assertive so they need people to give them instructions. Beta males don’t think of this as “holding my hand.” They believe this is the way they can get people to like them. If they are told what to do and they do that job, then everyone wins. But No one really respects an individual that never takes the lead or figures things out themselves. Passive aggressive Beta males are very indirect. They will never tell you how they really feel. They will do it in a way to try to avoid conflict. The ways a beta male show they are unhappy is through indirect resistance. They will do some of the following: Pout Avoid you Ignore you Misplace or hide things on purpose Give off a little attitude Roll their eyes but not in front of you Fail on purpose Not give 100% Use sarcasm Say hostile jokes Say something they dislike and try to change the subject really quickly Sensitive and Emotional When things do not go right they get very upset to the point that they might even cry. When someone says something about them or something associated with the beta male, he believes they are making fun of him or trying to upset him. The beta male gets really upset at this. Even if its all in good fun. If betas do not get what they want, be it something big or something small, they get really upset. They get emotional. They want to scream, or just turn red in the face. Fake Nice Beta males try to be on everyone’s good side. When that doesn’t work they can lash out. All they end up doing is turning people off. Being fake nice to someone does not work. Beta males do not realize this. Seek approval from others If you didn’t realize already, beta males want others to like them. It’s one of their biggest desires in life. They’ll do almost anything to get the approval of others. This includes: (always saying yes) Buying odd items to “fit in” like the guy with the snake walking down the street. Always trying to be the solution guy Beta males need this external validation from others to feel they are important and wanted. Hiding mistakes and flaws Beta males never want to admit they made a mistake or an error. They would rather try to blame someone else for the mistake or hide the mistake for as long as possible, hoping never to get caught or called out. In terms of flaws, beta males try to be perfect. So they go out of their way to try to pretend there is nothing wrong with them and they are perfect little angels. Beta males believe they need to be perfect. This is due to the fact that they do not want to upset or disappoint anyone. Even though in the end this may hurt them more than help them. Not seen as sexual Beta males are the nice guy. They are the friend of the girl that they want to sleep with. They aren’t aggressive. No one thinks “sexy” or “sexual” when they think of a beta male. Others associate beta males with sexless or bad in bed. The beta is the guy that tries to buy his way into a girls heart. He wants to go in for the kiss but is afraid. The beta male hides his sexual desires from the world because he believes wanting sex or love is wrong. He wants everyone to think highly of him and not to associate him with the word “creep” or “player”. More comfortable around women than men Beta males don’t like to associate with a lot of masculine men because they know they cant compete with alpha males. Because of this, beta males relate more two women than men. Betas believe they have very little in common with other men. Betas are ashamed so girls are a beta males best friend. I could go on for hours but I think you get the point!
via YouTube

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