Wednesday 18 October 2017

3 Stop Stuttering Secrets That Could Change Your Life

3 Stop Stuttering Secrets That Could Change Your Life
3 Stop Stuttering Secrets That Could Change Your Life Complete Transcript, PLUS Audio and Video Download! CLICK HERE: "It is great to see you. My name is Michael Williams and today I am going to share with you three stop stuttering secrets. Three stop stuttering secrets that could change your entire life. Now you're probably wondering where in the world did I get that name from? The reason I want to tell you is because over the past couple of years, at least, that I can recall, as I've been looking at the kind of searches and terms that people have been using to reach my website and searches they've been doing on my website, I've discovered that one of the most commons ones is what? Stop Stuttering Secrets. That's where I got the name for this particular session. " "What I'm going to do, as quickly as I possibly can, I want to share with you some ideas, so very practical ideas, right? Action-oriented ideas that are not complete secrets. They're things that people know or things that I may have said before, but they're things that you don't commonly hear, that you might not commonly think about when it comes to improving your speech or overcoming stutter. There's certainly not things that you're going to hear from perhaps a speech therapist or from someone who's telling you that in three days, they're going to be able to cure your stuttering or that they're going to get rid of or eliminate stuttering. You're not going to hear these things from people that're selling you a device, a delayed auditory feedback device, or even someone that's going to tell you, "Come to this program for 12 days or for three weeks," or whatever. You're probably not going to hear the things that I'm going to tell you now. " "I want you to tune in because what I'm going to be sharing with you could literally change your life. The first thing we're going to do is I'm going to share with you two principles, two principles, and then we're going to talk about three secrets. I'm going to make it very easy for you to remember these secrets because the letters that represent the concepts are F-I-T. FIT. F-I-T. Okay? W " "hat we're going to do is we're going to talk about these two principles. The first principle is a principle of liking yourself. I want you to follow me. In fact, if you haven't had a chance to do so, join our Facebook group because I'm doing an intensive series on this very thing where I'm going to go into more depth in each one of these. For now, the first principle that we're going to talk about is the principle of liking or loving yourself. We're going to talk about why that's important and then we're going to look at the second principle. " "This first principle, the principle of liking yourself, is important because when you like yourself, you feel better about what you're doing, even when you mess up. All right. I'm not saying that you mess up and you go, "Oh, that's just great." No. I'm saying that when you mess up, you go, "Okay. I messed up, but that's okay. I'm working on this," or, "What do I need to do about this and how can I improve?" You don't beat yourself up, pull yourself down, and discourage yourself. When you like yourself, when you love yourself, you have a greater degree or a higher self-esteem. When you feel better about yourself, you perform better. You are more encouraged. You are more motivated. When you don't like yourself, you pull yourself down. You beat yourself up. You discourage yourself and you're less likely to be motivated and you're not going to perform as well. Does this make sense? " Learn More About the Smooth Speech BootCamp: Visit: Private Intensive Coaching:
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