Thursday 5 October 2017

Ben Shapiro Awesome Response to Crazy Liberals Trying To Shut Him Down

Ben Shapiro Awesome Response to Crazy Liberals Trying To Shut Him Down
Ben Shapiro testifies at a hearing about anti free speech college campuses. He has tried to speak at numerous campuses and has been shut down by liberal protesters and liberal university administration. Ben Shapiro speaks to congress about the ongoing issues involving safe spaces, trigger warnings, and micro aggression. The intolerant liberals are using these terms to shut down opposing views and opposing speech. They are in fact doing the exact opposite of what colleges are supposed to be. Ben Shapiro gives one of his own examples of how he was shut down and how the liberals rioted on campus to quiet him. Liberals use groups like BLM and Antifa to shut down conservatives, republicans, and libertarians. These groups use violence in the name of the Democrat party.
via YouTube

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