Tuesday 10 October 2017

How To Actually Do What You Say You're Going To Do

How To Actually Do What You Say You're Going To Do
Sponsored By Avatrade: http://ift.tt/2wxKMYl I'm sure you've probably promised yourself to do a bunch of things. Like working out, meditating, or getting your work done. All of which you've somehow put off. So how exactly can you actually do what you say you're going to do? In this video you're going to learn about a powerful concept that can 3x your ability for getting things done. Learn More About Building Habits (The Tamed Course): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8JjuyRIxOg&index=2&list=PLE_vQWWxgaiED3B2gbKWzXItVNIQErstT If You Are Interested In Coaching: Email Me At ImprovementPill@Gmail.com
via YouTube https://youtu.be/bktV25WgMII

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