Sunday 5 November 2017

Powerful Prayers taken from Psalm 91

Powerful Prayers taken from Psalm 91
It is so important to pray the word of God. In this video Evangelist Gabriel Fernandes prays powerful prayers from psalm 91 •Join our premium Prayer and Fire of God social platform: •If you want Evangelist Gabriel to pray for you daily then fill in a prayer form: •If you would like to donate and help us fund the Gospel then you can do it via PayPal: Or •For more info go to: •Also feel free to add me as a friend on facebook: Evangelist Gabriel Fernandes Instagram: @gabri3lf3rnand35 Prayers: **LORD WE MAKE YOU OUR REFUGE** **Lord we set our love on you.** **BECAUSE WE MAKE YOU OUR REFUGE DELIVER US FROM THE HUNTERS SNARE AND FROM THE DESTRUCTIVE PLAGUE.** **BECAUSE WE HAVE YOU OUR REFUGE Cover us feathers, cover us, under your wings.** **Let your WORD be my shield and armor.** **REMOVE EVERY FEAR FROM US** **PROTECT US FROM EVERY DISEASE AND PLAGUE** **LORD LET A THOUSAND FALL AT MY SIDE AND TEN THOUSAND AT MY RIGHT HAND BUT DONT LET IT COME NEAR ME.** **LET US JUST SE WITH OUR OWN EYES AND SEE THE PUNISHMENT OF THE WICKED** **LORD PROTECT US, DON'T LET ANY EVIL APPROACH OUR TENT.** **LORD COMMAND YOUR ANGELS TO PROTECT ME IN ALL MY WAYS** **LORD LET YOUR ANGELS LIFT ME UP SO THAT I DON'T HIT MY FOOT AGAINST A STONE** **LORD LET ME STAMP DOWN THE YOUNG LION AND THE COBRA**
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