Thursday 7 December 2017

Paul Joseph Watson: Islam in Europe (and the "far right" backlash)

Paul Joseph Watson: Islam in Europe (and the "far right" backlash)
Faith Goldy of talks to UK journalist Paul Joseph Watson about the rise of Islam in Europe: Sharia courts and no-go zones are one the rise -- as are "far right" groups that oppose Muslim immigration. More at Watson explains that ISIS's manifesto declares that they will exploit the "refugee crisis" to infiltrate the West. He's travelled around Europe after the Paris massacre, where he was chased out of certain areas for not being Muslim. JOIN FREE for more fearless news and commentary you won’t find anywhere else. Believe that Muslim face coverings have no place in Canada? The Rebel Store has the t-shirt for you: “Separation of Mosque and State” — NOW in a SECOND cool design!
via YouTube

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