Thursday 25 January 2018

Self Lies - How You Lie to Yourself - Self Deception

Self Lies - How You Lie to Yourself - Self Deception
You may not be aware of this yet, but the degree to which you're capable of self-deception is remarkable. I would be willing to bet that the average person tells a self-lie, once or twice every minute. It is the mechanism that enables us to identify with our self-concept and truly believe we are who we've come to think of ourselves as. It's what enables us to see ourselves as a collection of ideas. I found this out seven years ago, during my experiences of ego-transcendence (temporary not permanent). I no longer cared for my self-concept and saw that it didn't matter and had no correlation to reality. So, it became immediately clear in my zooming out from my personal self, how often I had to lie to myself to convince myself that the traits I ascribed to myself and my relationship to reality were true. And when I saw that they were not true and that they needed no protection, it was immediately liberating. So, in this video, I explain what a self-lie feels like and sounds like. I know that I was completely shocked when I found out that most of my thoughts about myself were complete fabrications. So, I wager that most people have little idea that they're doing this... and even if they do know, they're not quite sure how to pick it out. So, that's what this video is for. It's all about getting a feel for the unique flavors of self-deception. I also include examples of how self-lies sound.
via YouTube

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