Thursday 15 February 2018


The last few weeks I've been getting messages from a few women. The first one is a a troll named Samantha that's been creating very short so called WGTOW videos trying to get attention. She even had the nerve to contact me and here's what she has to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, I have not messaged you before, but I want you to know I think you do good for this community. When I first discovered your videos I thought I should prove that I wasn't like that and proceeded to dive into a thread trying to prove I was a nawalt, which now I realize after being here for a while now, is not possible. You are awesome and I hope your channel goes on to good things which I am sure it will. Good luck honey with your channel, you deserve it, but also... don't read too much into things." So those are the words of WGTOW Samantha and the first link in the description is for her YouTube channel. So Samantha complimented me on my channel, no doubt to boost my ego and then she told me not to read too much into what she has to say because she's using reverse psychology to try and get a response from me. She also says that she's just like all the other women out there to make me feel confident and confirm my suspicions about female nature. She's done everything short of put on lingerie and ask me to join her in her bedroom. Although she does have a sexy Irish accent I just don't get it on with trolls. Sorry honey. In all honestly I think Samantha is going to get tired and bored of making her record breaking six second long videos and mosey off to better pastures. The second link in the description is to a slightly longer video called simply WGTOW by a YouTuber known as Atheist Elanor. And she opens her video by saying that women should cut themselves off from men because men are hypergamous and not women. To be fair to Elanor the definition of hypergamy is "The action of marrying a person of a superior caste or class." And in a way that's true because women have far more rights, get more attention and by most of society they are considered superior because they are treated that way. That superior treatment comes from having a golden vagina. So I have to handed it to Elanor she got it right by saying that men are hypergamous. She says that men go for the women with the biggest breasts and ass to elevate their social status. Which again is right. Most guys, but not all seek to get the best woman they can based on their assets and status. But unlike the fact that we know that all women are like that we have to differentiate that not all men are like that. Some men such as myself valued loyalty and a drama free existence instead of having eye candy on my arm. That's what I did for fifteen to twenty years of my life. I was happy to be with a woman that society would have considered lower status then myself and in the end it didn't matter because I was still disrespected. Atheist Elanor goes on to say that men can be replaced with vibrators and teddy bears obviously taking a jab at the idea that men want to create sex dolls to replace women. wgtow Samantha WGTOW 9 pictures paid for and licensed through (In order of appearance) 1. prometeus - Beautiful young woman posing on a road over picturesque landscape. 2. sakkmesterke - Sexy Woman With Usa Flag 3. brickrena - Silhouette of Young Woman at Urban Sunset 4. monkeybusinessimages - Three Women Posing Outdoors 5. dolgachov - people, patriotism, national pride and independence day concept 6. Gromovataya - Charisma. Haughty And Confident Woman's Face. Independence 7. Macrovector - Woman Driving Shopping 8. avesun - Beautiful Teen Girl Against American Flag 9. ros_end - Beautiful hippie girl with black glasses
via YouTube

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