Thursday 12 April 2018

Gen Z: In Their Words

Gen Z: In Their Words
Lately, there’s been a lot of hype and swirl surrounding “Generation Z.” Brand advertisers and business gurus have dubbed this post-Millennial generation as the next bull’s eye to target on the consumer dartboard. At 2 billion strong worldwide, it’s easy to see why: Gen Z is every brand’s next most important customer. But who are they, really? How will they change how business is done? We asked them. For starters, they don’t see themselves as a “generation” at all. To them, they’re just them. Socially shrewd, tech-ified, inquisitive, precocious, caring, eloquent, intrepid, and unapologetically authentic. Equal parts skepticism of the past and optimism for the future, they are “a generation of problem solvers” who are “not happy or content with what has been going on in the past” and are “finding new ways to do old things.” In their world, change is constant. And normal. They’re always adapting, and they think businesses should, too. To them, companies (if they think about them at all) should practice “good citizenship,” be “more malleable,” more “able to constantly change.” And why shouldn’t they? After all, “the world around us is constantly changing.”
via YouTube

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