Thursday 12 April 2018

'Get to grips!' Farage EXPLODES at Sadiq Khan after capital's murder rate SURPASSES NY

'Get to grips!' Farage EXPLODES at Sadiq Khan after capital's murder rate SURPASSES NY
NIGEL FARAGE ripped into London mayor Sadiq Khan after shocking figures revealed the Capital had surpassed New York City in the number of murders committed in the last two months. Nigel Farage exploded at the London mayor after the Met Police revealed the Capital's murder rate had exceeded the figures for the same period in 2017, surpassing the number of murders recorded in New York. Between February and March, the Metropolitan Police investigated 46 murders in London, with the last one recorded on April 2 in Tottenham. New York reporter 14 murders for the same period. Mr Farage said: "I never thought I would see the day when the murder rate in London would overtake that of New York. "I wonder whether the London mayor Sadie Khan should spend a bit less time slagging off Donald Trump and a bit more time getting to grips with crime in London because clearly, we have a real bad problem here." The capital’s murders, excluding victims of terrorism, has risen by almost 40 percent since 2014. Mr Farage told his LBC audience: "Last night there where two shooting in the space of an hour in London, including a drive-by attack that has left a 17-year-old girl dead and a boy of 16 critically ill. "The Met has confirmed she died when shots were fired from the vehicle as it drove past a group of young people. Two miles away, in Walthamstow, a boy was found with gunshot wounds with another boy of 15 who had stab injuries. "There’s been a spike in violent crime in London. We’ve seen more murders committed in London in February and March than there were in New York." The Met Police later confirmed the 16-year-old injured in Walthamstow had died in hospital and officers would launch a murder investigation on the attack. Mr Khan has been facing calls for his resignation since the figures were released later last week. Writing on Twitter, the London mayor said: "Tory police cuts have already cost London thousands of police officers & staff, most of our police station front counters & police buildings. "It’s time for the Government to stop misleading the public & properly fund our police." But web users hit back at Mr Khan’s attack on the Government, suggesting he should have tackled London crime himself. One commenter wrote: “For a long time now you have shown that you are out of your depth in this role. Do everyone a favour & call it a day.” Another said: “Stop and Search should never have been reduced! This is YOUR fault you should be ashamed!!”
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