Thursday 12 April 2018

Israel : Hamas Interior Minister admits Palestinians are not from Israel (Apr 02, 2012)

Israel : Hamas Interior Minister admits Palestinians are not from Israel (Apr 02, 2012)
From their OWN Mouth, in desperation and greed for fuel from Egypt. The Hamas Interior Minister spilled the beans on their TRUE Identity. It's been in history books, just no one bothers to go read anymore. I'm just glad that it's come out by this EGYPTIAN Palestinian Hamas Leader. Or should I say "Muslim Brotherhood", you know, the one that Barak Obama is in league with. Do you smell what I smell? The Obamanation coming soon to a Temple in Jerusalem. News Articles: Hamas leader admits 'Palestinian' identity is invented Hamas official admits Palestinians are invented people, says half are Egyptians and half are Saudis Thanks goes to for this information Please support them Follow MEMRI on Facebook ( Follow MEMRI on Twitter (@MEMRIReports)
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