Thursday 6 December 2018

Donald Trump (And Homophobia) End Kaitlan Collins' Career

Donald Trump (And Homophobia) End Kaitlan Collins' Career
CNN White House reporter Kaitlan [sic] Collins caught a mouthful of her own foot when internet sleuths uncovered numerous tweets in which she used homophobic slurs or advocated for homosexual segregation. In a recent press conference with President Donald Trump, the fake news merchant repeatedly interrupted with loaded questions related to the 36-year-old debunked allegations against Supreme Court Justice (lol) Brett Kavanaugh, while herself facing just 7-year-old proof of her rampant bigotry. Will CNN hold their employee to their own Roseanne Barr standards? No, probably not - but Donald Trump doesn't care. PATREON ONE-TIME DONATIONS MUSIC DOWNLOADS SHIRTS/MUGS/FLAGS
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