Saturday 8 December 2018

MAGICIANS and THE RISE OF THE anti christ BEAST system (Part 3)

MAGICIANS and THE RISE OF THE anti christ BEAST system (Part 3)
[A RE-UPLOAD] This content contains variety of ways demons help magicians manipulate things, therefore leading the world to a one world anti Christ beast system. Prepare yourselves physically, mentally and spiritually. May God help us through these turbulent times. God bles you all! Back up channel leave your throughts regarding this video, we can all learn together. Watch and pray always. May God bless you! "Some of the content in this video are derived form multiple sources and they are included under "Fair use" (i combined multiple clips to create this content) When you are very considerate of the "New world order" system, then you are more likely to speculate some certain issues with the world we live in. It seems like "Martial Law" is more likely to take place very soon. There are also some speculation regarding "Fema camps" and the use of "HAARP" to control the mass in a very nefarious way. "CERN is also a big consideration and "Project Blue beam" will also be used to deceive many people ablut the "fake ufo's". tHE "FREEMASON" also tend to bather together to perform their evil deeds while the "illuminati" which are forever known as the most powewrful "occultic group" in the world are also contributing to their "NWO" agenda through serveral means, some of them are "MK ULtra" Its also crucial to understand that "9/11 was an inside job" and also that the "federal reserve" is the BIGGEST scam in US History and the world History. Poeple often ask these questions what is "Mass media and Mind control, Agenda 21 HAARP Georgiaa Guidstones Project Bl;ue Beam Codex Alimentarius EMF’s project "Garden Plot" "Chemtrails" Fluoride & Aspartame side effects The Anglo Saxon Mission Sinkholes CERN Cannabis Oil Vitamin B17 "Freemasons" NWO Illuminati Project Avaion MK Ultra Monarch Programming Club of Rome Monsanto Jesuit Order Black Pope Kabbalah Fake UFO’s Denver "airport Murals" "Skull & Bones" "911 Attacks" "13 illuminati" "Bloodlines" "The federal Reserve" "Rothschild" "Rockerfellas" "Soros Kissinger." External TAGs "magicians 2018". "magicians demon 2018", "exposing magic tricks" "where do magicians get their power?" "the anti christ will earn power of demons through the notion of magic"
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