Friday 28 December 2018

What is Deism -- where do we start?

What is Deism -- where do we start?
The overall view of Deism is to use Reason as the foundation, and Experience and Nature as the basis of belief. From there though... it varies from Deist to Deist. At the core, it is the belief in the existence of a personal God , based solely on the testimony of reason and rejecting any supernatural revelation; natural religion. Simple enough, however to truly understand Deism, one must understand the foundation... or the start. In this video, I share with you what "Classical Deism" is and explain how Deism branches out from there. As Deists, we all share similar beliefs... but with individual exposure to things like physics/quantum physics, biology, evolution, philosophy, theology, psychology, mathematics, etc... our beliefs begin to adjust in accordance with our new understanding of the world around us. That's the beauty of Deism in my opinion. Through reason, we can expand and improve on our belief. One is not held to any particular classification of Deism, but we all pretty much recognize (if not, just appreciate) its foundation. Join me as I explain... and by all means... join in the conversation. devout Deism Want to learn more? Pick up my book "Reason, Religion and the Trinion Contradictions" from Amazon!
via YouTube

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