Sexual Immorality, the truth about sexual sin (Full teaching)
This is a very uncomfortable subject that many people try to avoid talking about, but as you will see, the Bible is not silent about it. What does the Bible teach about sexual immorality? Can we find freedom from sexual sin? Discover the truth about sexual immorality and what the Bible says about overcoming temptation. The word that is translated "sexual immorality" is the Greek word "porneia", which means "fornication, idolatry, whoredom, or unchastity", and it is connected with prostitution and the worship of fertility gods. It is a word that is used to describe all manner of sexual sins. We are called to be set apart from the world and that applies especially to the area of sexuality. Not only should we abstain from any acts of sexual immorality, but we must not even talk about such things, not even in joking. Crude and filthy humor are not acceptable for those who follow Yeshua. Having a corrupt and debased mind is a punishment for not retaining the knowledge of God. Having a corrupt mind is a judgment against us for our sins. This corrupt mind causes us to do all sorts of evil sexual perversions and even causes us to approve of others who practice such things. That is why so many churches are now beginning to preach that homosexuality is welcome in the church. They are even ordaining homosexual pastors and leaders. This shows us that God is judging His people and removing His Holy Spirit from them when they allow such immorality to be openly welcomed in the assembly. We live in a culture where sexuality is expressed everywhere, especially in clothing and fashion. We see nearly naked bodies everywhere we go. In modern society, it is popular and trendy to look sexy and show off your body. You can go almost anywhere public and find women in bikinis, tight fitting clothes, and clothes that are extremely sensual by design. Women have been told that they need to dress sexy and act sensual at all times, but if a woman dressed or acted like that 100 years go she would have been labeled a harlot. Sexual immorality takes place in the brain first before it ever manifests in the body. This is because our mind is the control center for all of our actions, emotions, and convictions. It contains our passions as well as our willpower. This is why it is so important that we guard our mind against immoral thoughts. The two main parts of the brain are the prefrontal cortex (which is responsible for logic, reason, and willpower), and the limbic system (which is responsible for emotions, passions, and self-preservation). This is why it is so important that we guard our mind against such things. The enemy is constantly looking for ways to expose us to sexually immoral thoughts because he knows the battle is won or lost in your mind. Remember the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling-block before the children of Israel. Now, with the help of technology, Balak doesn't even need to send real women to seduce you anymore, he just needs to get you to watch a movie or tv show about it. Some people think pornography is only in adult bookstores and triple x movies, and they don't realize that pornography exists in the tv shows, movies, books, magazines, and music that they consume every day. Anything that talks about sex, shows seductive women, alludes to sex acts, or causes your mind to think immoral thoughts is sin. It is improper for God's holy people to think about such things. I hope this teaching has opened your eyes to the serious nature of sexual immorality, and I pray that it will help you break free from the bondage of sexual sin in your own life.
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