Saturday 7 July 2018

The Red Pill Movie - MGTOW

The Red Pill Movie - MGTOW
The Red Pill Movie - MGTOW "Hey Sandman, What do you think about the Red Pill documentary created by former feminist Cassie Jaye that was banned in Australia? Also have you seen it or do you have plans to see it? And if so could you make a film analysis video please. Cheers." Well Peter thanks for the donation and I put it to good use and went to see the Toronto Premiere of Cassie Jaye's documentary "The Red Pill." Before I say anything about the film I need to comment on how far men's rights has come in three years. Back in 2013 the Feminists were outside of men's rights talks pulling the fire alarms and stirring up trouble. Now the feminists and female MRAs are increasingly controlling the narrative by putting themselves front and center into the discussion. I looked around the room before the fireworks began and I notice that instead of the feminists being outside the room ready to pull the fire alarm they were inside the room sitting with their boyfriends and girlfriends and I noticed that thirty to forty percent of the people in the room were women. This never would have happened three years ago. Back in 2013 and 2014 the majority of the people inside were men and there were usually women outside complaining about the event. But I think something important has happened since than. Feminists have figured out that the men's rights movement doesn't represent a threat to itself. It's become irrelevant and the only feminist on the panel didn't bother showing up for a discussion afterwards to voice her opinion. Cassie Jaye the creator of the film doesn't identify as a feminist anymore either. People came to the event expecting protests but there were just crickets. Women have successfully infiltrated the men's rights movement and although they were first shocked about men trying to gain rights they realise the men fighting for them will get nothing. The label of feminist is also irrelevant because feminists are like guerilla fighters against men now. Guerilla warfare is more effective than putting on a uniform and turning yourself into a target. The best example of the is Chanty Binx or the big red feminist. Everyone laughs or cringes at her and she's not socially acceptable and she looks like a cartoon figure of a feminist so it makes sense that feminists in general don't want to identify with her. Feminists are increasingly figuring out ways to feed off their enemies strength and supply lines. They can wage a covert war because it works. You've come a long way baby now you're not screaming against men you're instead pulling the strings behind the surface. Peter you mentioned Australian feminists getting the film banned well apparently Australian feminists haven't figured out that men's rights is a complete waste of time yet and won't accomplish anything. The movement is old and I don't think Cassie Jaye interviewed a single man under the age of forty or forty-five for her documentary. The movement is lacking new blood and will probably die out with the current crop of over the hill men's rights activists. But MGTOW is unstoppable yet MGTOW and the red pill Reddit were shoe horned at the end of the film like an after thought. Let's see if Cassie Jaye can get enough men going their own way to put their faces on camera to make another documentary. Let's see if she can successfully infiltrate men going their own way. MGTOW Mystery Link: 9 images licensed and paid for through All images are shown below in the order they appear. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
via YouTube

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